Textile & Apparel Student Association (TASA)
is committed to furthering students’ development of textile and apparel design skills, facilitating networking among TAD students, and building character and leadership skills. TASA provides opportunities to TAD and other UW students to apply and enhance skills learned in the classroom through activities on campus and in giving to the community.
*For further inquiries about TASA, please email us at tasaofficers@gmail.com
TASA offers:
- Workshops
- Field trips relating to art, design and business side of fashion
- Fall fashion event
- Annual spring fashion show
- other fashion events in-Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago
- Community involvement
- Meriter Infant Bereavement Project
- Socials
Membership Requirements:
- Members must be a student at the UW-Madison
- Must do a minimum of 2 community service involvement with TASA
- Participate with the Meriter Bereavement Project 1x per Semester
- Must attend a minimum of 2 TASA socials
- Must pay membership fee
Membership Fee: $40 for the school year (T-shirt included), $25 per semester *year membership due by October 5th, 2012